Shipping a car
Are you wondering how to ship a vehicle to USA from UK? Would you like to find out how much it will cost including the door to door or port to port transportation, customs clearance and tax? We have a great offer for you. Let us know just a few details and we will provide you with a couple of options to get your motor vehicle across the ocean.
Our company has been transporting cars, lorries, buses, specialized vans, trucks, personal water-craft, tractors, building machines and boats for many years. Our polite employees have the expertise and can plan how to deliver your car to the U.S. in the quickest and most economical way. They will choose appropriate means of transport and the fastest routes.
Our experienced car movers will take everything into account, keep you informed and make sure everything goes accordingly to plan. If you entrust your van to us we will make sure it will be shipped with utmost care and get to its destination without a scratch. We are also shipping motorcycles.
International vehicle transport services
First thing we will do is examine your car to find out if it conforms to all necessary USA Car Export regulations, safety, bumper and emission standards. If it is not we will advise you what needs to be done.
Next we will prepare your vehicle to the long journey on the vessel. Depend on the type of the shipment method there are certain things that can be done to eliminate the potential risk of a damage. For example we will make sure that the car battery has been properly isolated. To reduce the moisture in the inside of the car we will use the silica gel sachets.
As you can see we do not have to ask anyone how to prepare a car for shipping to USA.
What car shipping methods are available?
As nobody wants to pay for the space in the shipping container that has not been used, we came across to our clients and made our service very flexible by offering a cheap vehicle transport by shared container. The empty space around your car is sold to people shipping luggage, boxes and other small items which make it cheaper for you as you share the cost of shipping a car with others. Of course we can provide a 20 foot container for your exclusive use.
The other option available for car shipping to USA is roll on/roll off service RoRo. This is the cheapest option but there are some disadvantages.
How to transport a car to USA?- Shorter delivery time
- Greater transport safety
- A lot of people find it the best way to ship a car to United States
- One of the cheapest options available
- The car must meet additional requirements
- Must be in full working order, can’t be broken
- The tank must be almost empty – ¼ is the maximum
- Shipping goods in the car is prohibited so if you need personal goods shipping to San Diego, please use container shipping method
- The car is exposed, greater possibility of damages and theft
- You can fill up your car with whatever you want
- You can load the empty space at the discretion of yours
- The vehicle does not have to be in full working order
- The car is locked, the container sealed and no one has an access to it
- Longer delivery time
- Vehicle must not exceed the dimensions of 6.1 m x 2.4 m x 2.6 m
- If you do not fill the entire space of the container you have to pay for the empty space
- You share the space with others

Car insurance
If you wish you can organize the car insurance from the third party. However you will also find it as an option on our quote. The decision who you decide to go with is always yours. The insurance prices may vary. There are no rules however as a starting point you can assume that it is the equivalent of 2% of the shipped car value. So if your motor vehicle is worth £5000 the insurance should be about £100. What you need to do is make sure you are getting a proper insurance. Check if your car is covered from the moment you pass the car keys on to your car shipper to the minute when you get them back. Also pay special attention to the small print. Ask the insurer to tell you what’s included in their offer. It is worth having everything black on white. Sea more info about shipping costs to USA.
How much is the car import tax and custom duty?
All new and used vehicles manufactured in Europe and exported into the USA for private use or for business are subject to taxation:
- Cars – 2.5%
- Vans and Lorries – 25%
- Depends on the motorbike there is no tax or 2.4%
For the tax purposes you will have to prove how much you had paid for your motor vehicle. If you can’t prove it the tax will be calculated based on the average market value of the vehicle that you are about to ship.
If the car was purchased in the USA shipped outside the country and now you are shipping it back then your transportation will be duty free. Contact us for cheaper vehicle delivery and how to ship a car to USA advice and help.We cover the entire country, offering shipping to Dallas, Chicago, UK to Columbus removals and other places. If you plan to do it on your own we can email our step by step guide.
Sending a car to USA can be easy. Just contact us for a free advice. If you are sending private goods, you can read our guide for expats planning move to the USA.
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